Saturday, March 7, 2009

Jane Austen

Jane Austen to me is one of the most amazing authors. I have yet to read all of her novels. I am in the midst of reading Persuasion, In which the youngest of three girls, Anne, falls in love. Annes family does not thing he is suited for her so their engagement is canceled. Seven years later he has become a very rich man. Anne is still in love with him, however, he is not in love with her anymore.
Anne Hathaway in the move Becoming Jane pulls me in and makes me fall in love with her character. There isn't anything I would want more than to be in the times of Jane Austen and to get to know the real her. I would recomend this movie to everyone. If you are in for a great love story and the life of an author before her fame, then this is a great movie.

1 comment:

  1. i think i will read that...i like the colors you're using on here! but ... you haven't been back in a year... :(

    come back! ^_^

